Celebrating 23 Years of Service: A Heartfelt Thanks to Our Bedford Ride Community


As Bedford Ride approaches its 23rd year of service, we want to extend our deepest gratitude to the incredible community that has made our mission possible. It’s thanks to you—our dedicated volunteers, generous funders, and supportive community partners—that we can offer non-emergency medical transportation to those in Bedford who don’t drive or lack support for a ride.

A Community-Driven Mission

Our journey over the past 23 years has been fueled by the spirit of collaboration and generosity. Community partnerships are truly the heart and soul of Bedford Ride. Every ride we provide, every journey we facilitate, is a testament to the power of collective effort. The more resources we receive—whether through funding or volunteering—the more we can expand our services and support those in need.

Why Your Support Matters

Imagine the freedom and independence that comes with having car keys in hand—the ability to go wherever and whenever you need. Now, consider those who don’t have this luxury. They face daily challenges without the simple convenience of a personal vehicle. Our service is a lifeline for many, and your contributions make it possible for us to bridge this gap.

Take, for example, a recent situation that highlights the critical nature of our work. A woman experienced a severe toothache and, unable to drive herself, reached out to us on a Wednesday. Her dentist could see her on Friday, but the pain was unbearable. Thanks to your support, and the generosity of a volunteer, we were able to provide her with the transportation she needed. Her relief and gratitude were profound, underscoring the essential role Bedford Ride plays in easing the burdens of those in distress.

Looking Ahead: Sharing Our Stories

As we continue to blog and share updates, we aim to highlight how Bedford Ride supports community members in accessing medical care and emphasize how crucial your involvement is. Our program operates 100% on donations and volunteer support, reflecting our deep commitment to the health and wellbeing of our community.

Your gifts of time and donations are not just contributions—they are acts of kindness that transform lives. They help ensure that no one in our community has to navigate health challenges alone.

Thank You

To our volunteers who give their time selflessly, to our funders who provide the financial support, and to every community member who supports our mission, we offer our heartfelt thanks. Your dedication and generosity keep Bedford Ride moving forward, and together, we make a significant impact on the lives of those who need it most.

Here’s to many more years of partnership, support, and service. Thank you for being an integral part of the Bedford Ride journey. Please visit our website Bedfordride-cvacl.org or visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/bedfordride

With deepest appreciation,

Bedford Ride
